Looking FORWARD to Friday...

Denna lista kommer Isolde att printa ut & ge till Julia eftersom jag inte kan vara med under kvällens möte kring hennes beteende i huset... Längtar ju lite lätt till på fredag när jag flyttar ut!


1) Tyson - he's there all the time and he makes no effort to be nice or even ask if it's ok that he lives at the house as well
2) Her occupying the bathroom, leaving the sink all dirty, not cleaning up properly after herself when she has been sick, always leaving all her stuff in the shower
3) Her occupying the kitchen together with Tyson, there is basically no room for anyone else and neither of them will move. She also seems to think that she has a right to most of the fridge and she very rarely toss out anything that has been put in there
4) All the kissing when you are about 2 meters away...
5) Smoking on the porch - always moving the chairs right in front of the door so that you feel like a nuisance when you want to enter/exit the house
6) Her being loud in EVERYTHING she does, doesn't matter if it's talking on the phone, having sex at 3 am in the morning, or looking at german things on her mac - she doesn't seem capable to understand that she lives with other people!
7) Not removing stuff that are noticeably in the way, such as the laundry
8) Being really bad a fixing the dishes
9) Thinking that everything that's in the house is hers, like when she just decided that the CD-player belonged in her room

Postat av: Jo

Människan är ju helt enkelt inte socialt kompetent.

2009-04-28 @ 12:11:34
Postat av: Ida

Nej hon är ju inte det. Fast jag måste ju erkänna att jag går runt & gruvar mig lite på vad som komma skall, så här långt har varje liten indikation på att hon kanske skulle kunna göra vissa saker annorlunda möts av arga kontringar. So, vi får se vad hon säger om detta...

2009-04-28 @ 13:45:41

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