What a difference a day make...

Har skrivit om detta innan, men jag måste bara ännu en gång konstatera att kvinnor & män är något helt fruktansvärt olika! Kånkar ju som bekant runt med typ hela mitt liv (God Lord, botten ser ut som ett skrotupplag i dagsläget...) i min Bayswater. Alskar den väskan på ett löjligt & lite småsjukligt sätt... :) Detta förstår dock kvinnor, men inte män - framförallt inte Rob. Medan kvinnor ger mig komplimanger (senast igår under brunchen) så utspelade sig följande konversation imorse:

R - You should get a backpack you know.
Moi - I know, but I'm not working out in the field that often, so it's not like I'm in a hurry.
R - No, I mean one that you can use every day, for your books and stuff.
Moi - Eh. What? I'm not going to use a backpack every day... For sure!
R - But it makes no sense to carry everything around in that stupid bag of yours! It's just to heavy for you and you could fit a lot more stuff into a backpack! Like if you go to the store, you could just put all the food in it! It's brilliant!
Moi - Well yes I know, that's why I like to do my grocery shopping with you, so that you can put the food in your backpack and carry it back home... And besides, you are not allowed to call my bag stupid.
R - I will kidnap it from you and put it into the rock grounding machine at the department...
Moi - Do so, and I'll cut your hair of while you are asleep... 

Postat av: ML

Simson och Delila!:D

2008-01-21 @ 23:07:54
Postat av: Ida

Oooh! Det var ungefar denna dagens roligaste kommentar! :D

2008-01-21 @ 23:13:16

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