I'm too posh?

Igår på seminariet diskuterade vi huruvida vi skulle hänga på UG:arnas (UnderGrads) pubkväll (som är ikväll) el inte. Slutsatsen blev att vi nog går dit men att vi inte följer med dem till nästa pub utan går till ett annat ställe.

Jenny: We'll need T-shirts! It's not a crawl if we don't have that!
Vishal: Not enough time to make any, lets decide that everybody have to wear a blue one!
Moi: I don't have a blue t-shirt.
Vishal: No? Oki, lets say a red then.
Moi: Sorry...
Matt: What? Neither?!
Jenny: What colors do you have?
Moi: Well... I just have one, it's white.
Matt: !!!!! One!!!! 
Jenny: Well, yeah, she doesn't really wear that kind of stuff. She's dressier you know, wears dresses and stuff. 
Matt: You're way too posh for us!
Jenny: She has never even had a pair of sneakers.
Matt: !!!!!! Maaan, your way too posh for anyone! But, hey, don't change it! Its kind of nice in a different way!

... I'm an alien.     


Postat av: Jo

Push? Menar du kanske posh? (Som i Posh-Spice ;))

2007-10-17 @ 13:14:43

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