E - So you are single?
Moi - Yes, and you?
E - No. I'm engaged, and as soon as we have done out classes we can really start to plan for our wedding, that will be this fall.
Moi - Classes?
E - Well yes, we are getting married in a catholic church so we will have to take 8 lessons, otherwise we can't get married.
Moi - What?! And what if you miss one class?
E - No, can't do... The last lesson was about natural family planning. So we had to sit there end listen to them while they explained things like safe periods and the whole interrupted thing...
Moi - Ahahahahaha! That's crazy!
E - I KNOW! But we have to... I mean it's quite funny in one way...
Moi - Well I would have thought that it was fun to, completely hilarious, but only during the first two lessons...
aah, Insane! Undra då hur deras konfirmationer ser ut!?
Visst ar det helt & hallet bara tokvansinnigt! Fast oerhort underhallande for alla oss andra! :)